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Simple Cheesecake Recipe

Hey guys!

So here goes another food post (as you can tell, I do love my desserts).

I've simplified a known berry cheesecake recipe so that you can all make it without any hassle.

Here goes.

Ingredients you will need:

  • 150g of plain biscuits

  • 50g butter

  • 2 packets of 180g Philadelphia Cheese (Light or Original)

  • 1 can of 397g unsweetened condensed milk

  • 120ml double cream

  • The juice of 3 lemons and the zest of 1 lemon

  • Fresh fruit to top

First begin by melting the butter in the microwave. While it's melting, start crushing up the biscuits and place in a bowl. I used a blender, but you can just do this by placing the biscuits in a bag and using a rolling pin to crush them. I then added the butter to this bowl and began to fold it into the biscuits.

Ensuring that the mixture is mixed well, press it into a basic baking tin and try to flatten the top as well as you can. It is important to find a tin that has a removable bottom as this will help when it comes to removing the cheesecake once it has set. Place this in the fridge and start by making the next layer of the cheesecake.

For this part, all you need to do is mix the Philadelphia cheese, condensed milk and double cream in a large bowl. It can be helpful to use an electric whisk, as when the mixture thickens it will become more difficult to mix manually. Next, extract the juice of 3 lemons and gradually add to the mixture, while still whisking it. Using a grater, add the zest of one lemon and make sure it is evenly distributed across the mixture.

Then, remove the tin form the fridge and slowly pour the cheese mixture into it, ensuring that you flatten the top of the cheesecake using the spatula as you go. Once its all perfectly smooth, place in the fridge and let it set overnight.

Once the cheesecake has fully set, go around the edge of the tin with a spatula knife, and then remove it accordingly. In my case, I had to unclip the tin and I left the cheesecake on the removable base to keep it intact.

Add fresh fruits or any other decoration that suits you, and make sure to serve chilled.

I hope this helped you guys, thank you so much for reading.

Doua X

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